There is no calming energy in my bedroom. It does not associate with peace, quiet and place of relaxation. This is written in my before makeover post. Considering this is what it’s not, it is safe to say this is what I want it to be like in the end. For inspiration for my new bedroom I have also created a Bedroom Pinterest Board where I can pin inspirational photos online. Check it out, its pretty cool.
Since I am going to organize my bedroom and such I printed out a copy of my Organizing Project Planner. This will be my guideline for the project.
Calm. Feng Shui. Small desk/work area. Clutter free. Everything ties together. Relaxing. Cozy cottage/cottage chic. Floral. Pink. Pastels.
Photos from my Bedroom Pinterest Board.
Original image here and at my chip it profile.
Feng Shui bedroom candles from
Crate tutorial from I should be mopping the floor
Bookcase Armoire from Martha Stewart
While I was on holiday I created a list on my iPad of the general organizing stuff I have to do. I will start on the floor then continue on the left of the door and work my way around the room. I will take photos for items to be sold online. When everything has been organized I will start with the decorating. This includes buying items that will be incorporated into my new style.
When the entire room is done I will create a future plan of action for the room. This will include items I have to buy or diys that I do not have had the funds to get right now.
I will also be posting will be the theory of organizing. I will be writing a How To – guide using different methods of organizing, bedroom Feng Shui etc. At the same time I will be filling in more of my project planner and organize and redecorate my bedroom as well as finding more inspiration.