So remember those Reusable Pantyliners I made last month? Well today I thought I would show you what I do with them when I am done using them. I have read that this is something that really concerns people. I knew I wanted to store the used ones somewhere separate from my other clothes. I also knew I would occasionally want to rinse them before putting them away.
That is why I decided that a drawstring pouch with waterproof lining is the perfect thing for me. It was quite easy to make – I followed this tutorial (minus the gussets). The only thing I would change was to sew a fabric trim on top of the PUL so I would be able to close the bag completely and also possibly have a thinner waterproof fabric. Also mine is probably a bit on the tiny side so I would make it a bit bigger.
Another great idea: use is as a bag to hold your wet swim suits – I have always used the wrap my towel around it, but this would word even better!
Here are the materials I used:
And here is the finished bag.
I would love if you left me a comment :)