I cannot believe I have been living here for four and a half months. It’s amazing how fast time flies. I really feel that I have gotten settled in someone good, however I feel I need a lot of organizing in my bedroom. It will probably be done on Sunday, because my sisters and I have decided to have a sister bonding activity.
Also we are selling our old apartment in my hometown. Which is kind of sad because I really liked that apartment and we did a lot to make it ours. So during the Christmas holidays we purged a lot. I think I threw out 2-3 large garbage bags. Which is great for me because I have an unhealthy attachment to my stuff. But since we are selling I have brought all the rest of my stuff here and my room is “full” of boxes. I have two under my bed, two next to the chair and two next to the closet. More purging needed.
Anyways, we have updated the bedroom since I last showed it. I painted three of the walls and hung up wallpaper on the last. I also got a new nightstand. To be painted when I can decide on a colour (give me your opinion in the comments please) but I am thinking of being boring and paint it white.
The walls are painted light aubergine. Also check out this lovely wallpaper and my decor.
Did you know I have a lemon plant that I planted myself from a seed? Check out this beauty! I think I might have to replant them into a bigger pot soon. I tried researching, but all I found out was what I already did in the previous post.
Speaking of beauty’s, look at these cuties here. They were relaxing one in each bed when I tidied my bedroom and took photos.
This is what they look like now haha!
Marylin says
Oh those pups are gorgeous! What sweet faces. <3
I love the wallpaper in your new bedroom. It's lush!
(here from the SITS Tribe Building course/thingy) ๐