As I mentioned on Thursday I wanted to create an organizing project planner. I want a place where I can have a brain dump and be able to have a plan of action before I start.
I did not quite know what I wanted so I googled. And I found two pieces that I likes quite a lot. One came from Clean Mama and the other from I Heart Organizing.
I wanted something that was easy to use and had a simple design. It was quite easy to create the planner itself. I used excel because I thought it would be the easiest to use. When I was done I was quite proud of what I had accomplished. I did, however, feel it was a bit too boring and I wanted that little extra. I sent it over to – my secret source – and after a lot a bit of back and forth this is what we came up with.
I love it! I think it looks superb. I will of course share it with all of you! If you like it a lot but want something a bit different – I will make your dreams come true! Just give me a shout and I would love to create something for you.
The first page is an introduction to the organizing project. It includes the name of the project / room / area, start and finish date and description. I also have half a page for inspiration. Here you can write down or draw anything, all the things that come to mind when you think of the ideal space. Now I have a little idea up my sleeve, this area will include a URL to a pinterest board I will create for that specific room.
The next page is all about the planning. It also includes a to do list and notes (for things to do in the future).
I am assuming you have a budget for your project. I know I do. Its teeny-tiny. The more stuff I can sell the more I can buy! Therefore I have a To Sell section as well as a To Buy section.
The last page is a layout. My method to create the easiest to work with, especially for a room, is to have a scale model of everything. First I measure the room and draw it on the paper. Then I measure the furniture and cut them out of another piece of paper. That way it is a lot easier to try re-arranging furniture, you can literally do it with two fingers.
If you are sold and want a free PDF copy, just press the download button below.
Yes, You are creative soul.
I like simple design . it’ s dood for planner.
Thank you! I do really like using it, however it might need an update soon as I am not 100% satisfied with it