Its been some time since I have been blogging. As you may know (I wrote about it a couple of posts ago) I got some exciting news in April – I was going to move. Now I have. I moved in on June 30th. The next week was spent unpacking, going on multiple IKEA trips, spending a lot of money and getting most things in order before our family came to a housewarming party on Friday. I am proud to say there were no boxes in the main area of the house. Saturday and Sunday I spent recuperating after the exhausting days of settling in.
You must be super excited to check out my new house, ( I love it!) I am having a house tour here on my blog on Thursday. So stay tuned. If you cannot wait you can always take a sneak peek from my Instagram account: house, kitchen, bathroom lamps.
Putting that aside I have some more exciting news. I am planning to spend – at least – the next two and a half months only working from home. I will be working on this blog, my web design business and epla shop. The plan is that when September ends I am starting to make some decent money online to continue my dream of working from home. Depending on how well it actually goes, I might have to look for a part-time job.
The plan for this blog is to publish posts two times a week – Monday and Thursday – and see how that goes. I will also publish my newsletter every two weeks on Fridays. My three main social media focus, not including the newsletter, will be my Instagram account, Pinterest page and Facebook page. Please follow me there!
I am super exciting to be starting on this journey and I would like to thank you for supporting me, my blog and my dream. Thank you.
Good luck! I wish you the only best!