It is Monday today which means New Week – New Opportunities – New Goals. I only work 5 days this week (woohoo) but I am participating in Color Me Rad of Saturday, a 5k run. I am kinda excited but I am not feeling anywhere near where I feel like I should be at this time. I was social twice last week so that should count for something haha! I slept really bad night to Sunday, only like 3-4 hours and so my Sunday was not effective at all! I did have a 3 hour nap during the day so yea, oops.
I have decided that I need to start focusing more with my goals and have fewer so I can start getting on top of the goals. My goals have just been all over the place and only been half-completed I really need to get back to basic and do the most important things.
1. Finish 80% of blog to do list
I really need to start focusing on blogging again, it has really been hard keeping my head over water here. Some of the items on my to do list is all of the posts for the rest of the month (just writing them up). Also doing submission sites and growing my newsletter.
2. Work out 2 days and Color Me Rad
My sisters actually set up the wii yesterday, so I might be using this instead of going to the gym this week. It will not be as effective but at least I am doing something.
Evaluation last week 0.5/5
Last week went quite bad. I was having a hard time keeping up with everything. I did some research on Etsy stores and I used a lot of time to create some more printable, but I have not opened my store yet. That is really all I have to say.
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Brittany says
I have found that daily task planner is helping me stick to my goals. This time last month I was drowning in things to do, but now the night before I plan my day out in chunks. It really has helped. Also, I found that social media was taking up a lot of my time so now I use a timer and set time limits on each task.