I love labels! If I had the silhouette cameo I would label E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!
I loved my old labels, but of course I wanted to update them. I was googling forever without finding something I was satisfied with. I finally decided to see if I could use PicMonkey to create something – anything. With that in mind, there are actually a lot of different ways you can create your own labels. And you do not have to have any fancy pancy photo editing program (or know someone who does)
You start by going to picmonkey.com. Then you click on edit a photo. Just choose any random photo you have, it really does not matter.
When you enter the program you clock the Overlay button in the left sidebar and add a rectangle in the colour you want. Make sure it covers your entire photo. When this is done click on the merge button on the “topbar”.
The next thing it to change the size of your labels by clicking on the resize button in the Basic Edit button.
You then go back into the Overlay button and add what you want your label to look like. I choose the ticket and changed it to a pink colour.
The best thing it that you can use any overlay you want to create a wide range of different labels! Even if you choose a solid one colour overlay, simply create another one in white and place in the center. This way you get a border. You could also just leave it like i did. I have here created a lot of different ways you can choose for your labels.
The next step is to create a text. There are so many different text types to choose from.
The last thing is to save. I wanted a lot of different labels with the same background so therefore after each time I saved I went back and changed what was written in the label and saved it again. And so on and so forth till I was done. I also created a blank label. If I feel like I need another label I can simply edit that copy instead of creating a brand new label.
Here is a blank label that I have created:
If you have created any labels I would love to see them! Leave a link to your blog post below and I will check it out!
Linked to these parties: The DIY Dreamer and Mad In Crafts
Great tutorial! I love PicMonkey…so many options! Hope you’re having a great day!
~Abby =)
Thank you! I love picmonkey, still fininding more things I can use it for!
Thank you so much for the tutorial! It was very helpful. Here is the results.
You are welcome! I am glad you liked it. I checked out your link and it looks great! 🙂
I have a Cricut which I love but if I were starting over I’ve heard better things about the SIlhouette. I also love picmonkey for labels for my food photos and DIY projects.
Thanks for the sweet comment on our kitchen buffet (dog food hutch :). I appreciate you taking the time to be encouraging!
Marty@Marty’s Musings
I think it is very important to encourage others 🙂 I do think it looks amazing 🙂
What a great tutorial!!
Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer… From Dream To Reality! I’m looking forward to see what you link up tomorrow evening!
Thank you for your sweet comment and thank you for hosting 🙂