I just thought I would give a small update on the lemon tree that I grew from a seed.
My little plant is about one and a half years old and its seriously starting to grow! Ok that was a bit of an understatement. Its growth had kinda just stopped. It stayed tiny and sad. Then I put it in the prime growing place in the kitchen and started giving it some plant nutrients and crushed egg shells. I have also repotted it in a bigger pot to give it more room to grow. Hopefully I will be getting some lemons soon (ish).
Have you grown anything from a seed? I would love to see! Link it in the comments!
nice, growing one too.. it over 3 feet tall and woody, dont think i planned it, had habit pushing lemon seeds into soil of other plants..and this one thrived, they are not easy..i think.lot of sun needed.. and heat..mine is indoors ..as im in england..leaves droopy, not sure if that normal… would not like to lose it now its so big.paul