For the last couple of months I have been quite disorganized when it comes to blogging. I was always completing my posts last-minute and so on. I was never ahead of time for more than a day or two. It was so stressful and having to stay up late because “oh shit I forgot to finish the post for today” and so on.
I knew my old planner just was not working for me anymore. Even though I tried to plan ahead , there was so many projects I never even started and got to post about. Such as a t-shirt dress I still have not started on, fall crafts, smoothie recipes, a blue super pretty maxi dress, pillows, balcony decor, the t-shirt dress again (I really wanted to make it) and a t-shirt redesign. This is just two months of projects / posts I never got to do.
I get motivated by pretty things, I love pastel colours and using different fonts. This is the reasons I choose light pink, dark pink, light blue, dark blue and a light grey.
I want to create a planner that is easy for use, not only for me but for anyone else out there. I hope you find the printables to your liking.
I know I will be able to get more organized with my blogging. I have already started using some of the printables and its working great at the moment. At the point in time when I am writing this, I am a ahead of time and I have 6 scheduled posts (well now 7)! It feels great and I hope you will be able to use my printables to organize your blog.
This post is a part of the series {31 Days of Blog Planning & Free Printables} for a list of all posts click here.
I would love to hear from you if you have any questions or comments or blog organizing trouble or anything. Please write me a comment.
I would love if you left me a comment :)