This year I am taking my blog and turning it into a business. I have therefore decided – both to keep myself accountable and hopefully to help others see its possible – to start writing a monthly traffic and income report. Please note that I am also including income from my website design business, etsy and epla store as well as blogging. Lets get started!
Traffic –
Here are my stats for this month, using Google Analytics.
Creative Pink Butterfly:
- Pageviews: 48,777
- Unique Pageviews: 42,146
- Bounce Rate: 86.54%
- Average Time on Site: 03:37
- Average Pageviews per Day: 1,573
January was a HUGE month for me, my how to start a bullet journal post went through the roof! I have gotten multiple new visitor records this month, which was a blast. The post accounts for almost 89% of my page views. However I started out with my “usual numbers”, had a small jump in traffic from my bullet journal post on Facebook. Then it died down again, until it went crazy on Pinterest.
Trine Hansen Design:
*Coming Soon*
I am having some trouble with my google analytics, there is a lot of spam referrals, so I will delete the fake data and then post it here.
Income –
Here are my actual income numbers. I have sorted them by category so its easy to understand what came from where. I wrote in my blog and business goals post that I wanted to make $5.000 online this year. I know I am only making a small amount now, but hopefully there numbers will grow each month.
Just keep in mind this is only my income, it does not include any taxes, or expenses.
Creative Pink Butterfly:
- Ad Networks:
- Adsense: ≈$20 (172.65 nok)
- Affiliate Sales:
- Amazon: $15.55
- Income: $35.55
Trine Hansen Design
- Design website: $50
- Etsy Shop: $9.99
- Epla Shop: ≈$25.00 (217 nok)
- Income: $84.99
Total income: $120.54
My total income this month is $120.54, meaning I have $4879.46 to reach my goal. I know I have to work harder to diversify my income on my blog as well as adding some more items to my Etsy and Epla shops.
Quick Statistics Update
Social media is super important, and one of my 2016 goals is having a total of 30,000 followers – so feel free to follow me for awesome updates and content!
- Newsletter: 135
- Facebook: 1,493
- Pinterest: 1026
- Instagram: 746
- Twitter: 553
- Others: 387
(Bloglovin, WordPress, Stumble Upon) - Total: 4340
Goals for February:
- Add one new ad network site to my blog.
- Make $150 this month!
- 5000 social media followers
- Be one month ahead of blog post schedule
I would love if you left me a comment :)